skang aku tgah study dgn kawan2 aku.heehe sume semangat segala aku tgk.tapi last2 sume tetido,sian doang mate ngantuk gile.mate aku neh ader batang mancis agaknye..payah tol nak lelap.kampit tol. sorang tetido kat lua sorang tetido kat dalam.sian tgk doang push sangat.aduhaiii tadi dapat taw ader sorang kawan aku neh maybe pindah.okayyy aku sedeyy sangat.bukan sebab die pindah tapi sedey sebab once die pindah, possibility nak jumpe lagi takan ader.kawan2 aku dulu aku tak jumpe ni sem je la tinggal. manfaatkan la mase yg ader neh.siyess sedeyyy bleh nangisss tak nak wat mcm mane.sume bnda dah jadiii
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
satu lepas empat lagi tinggal
tadi dah lepas paper FMI, lega die tak payanh nak cakap la.memg rase mcm baru lepas buang batu telekat kat lam palotak neh.market2 segala sume ader lagi.tadi naseb baek sume okay la.takdela tensen.aku dok jadi tukang masak plak tym paper tadi, menggoreng je ape yang die soalan tu mintak.tgk kiri tgk kanan.muke semua nak tensen, hadoii bejangkit kat aku ngan aku sekali tensen.bukan tensen tak pat jawab, tensen nengok orang kiri kanan. tapi tadi siyess kelaka, first tym aku jumpe exam doang mengadap depan2. mcm nak bedating je tadi tapi dengan erti kate lain dengan beramai ramai.tok kadi ehh pengawas tu.ehh diam ko, cakap banyak sangat pun tak leh jugak.hahhahaa merapu mcm kambing dah neh.tapikan aku rase tadi tak bape nak konpiden la, bukan tak leh jawab tapi tadi mcm boleyyylaaaaa..haa paham kes banyak main neh..aisshhh suuu,belaja2. tinggal lagi pat strugglee laa,,hang dok online lagi nape?? yang bace nehh tak study ke??hahaha..tunggu la mood blues aku sampai.memg bebunge bunge la bahase aku nanty aku wat kat post neh
Monday, October 25, 2010
the beautiful of night

today i had a very very very long day and its full of study.i'm tired! since primary school until now i keep doing the same thing. its there any effect to me? idk. i'm bored. feel like to cry.the killer just around the corner but i'm still not serious in the study. all the books i put aside. my fingers dancing on the keyboard. type every single thing that come out in my brain. i move to the door. and i'm enjoying the beautiful of sounds and it's all silent. i feel relax. my mood become stable and now i can think positively. there is a reason why i keep studying for the whole my life. its not for the sake of money in the future, not for the job. its for my own sake. i need to fill my heart with knowledge. if not u are looser. totally looser. i'm enjoying again this view. its relax and calm. i don't give damn if there is any grammar mistake or anything. its my i want to meet back my boyfriends, the fmi book. sorry to keep u waiting. the beautiful of night,,,i hope u can stay longer because i want to see again and again again
Sunday, October 24, 2010
pada suatu petang

tadi pkul enam rase pressure plak,bace asyik tetido and aku tataw nak buat mcm mane dah.menelentang salah menyiarap salah buat ape sume salah.mcm orang besalah. then aku kelua rumah, pegy dekat bawah pokok kelapa and try bace buku. cuaca sangat redup, pokok2 betiup and aku rase tenang.tak penah rase aman mcm neh. jauh di langit nampak matahari nak tebenam.cantek sangat pemandangan.rase mcm nak pausekan sebab tym tu je la aku rase aku lapang. kemudian nampak orang tue sedang bejalan amek angin.tataw kenapa rase sayu bile tgk orang tue tu. agak2 umur aku panjang tak mcm orang tue tu?? tatw la nak cakap.moge2 Allah panjangkan umur aku sebab banyak bnda aku ta buat lagi.diri sendiri pun tak betul.angin bertiup lembut sangat then ader daun jatuh kat keliling aku.cantek sangat n tak taw nak bayangkan kat korang. ader seekor burung hinggap kat pokok kelapa tu. comel je mencicit cicit. pemandangan petang tadi sangat cantek.aku jadi terbuai.kepala oatak aku kosong. yang aku taw tadi sangat lapang kepala aku tanpa pikir ape. azan maghrib berkumandang and aku pun pulanggg..
are u readyyy
the whole night i keep thinking about this,,su next sem u will be alone, idk why i hv this kind of feeling. i feel that everyone will leave me behind and they go to other place. should i cry?? no! u are tough. keep it up..the best quotation that i always heard before is you should remember, one day you will be alone and there is one that can help u unless u help yourself.friends come and go.that's a fact. the things that will remain is your friendship. i need to be prepare. one day they will go and u will stay. just u can't predict the time. it can be happen tomorrow or maybe anytime. u just need to be ready when the time do u face this thing?? the answer is i'll tryyy my besttt..yeah!
Friday, October 22, 2010
tadi kawan aku kol, ryndu nak denga sore n kitorg gosip mcm org gile. talk talk n talk and lastly she ask me, su please pindah shah alam.omg! that was the hard decision.sigh,, bukan tak nak tapi aku skang sangat konpius.segamat aku dah sayang tapi aku nak stay dengan die kat shah how? canne? aku sangat tesepit.tak boleh ke sume budak kat segamat tu ikot aku pindah..hahaha nenek kau la su oii.ingat senang.suke2 je aku cakap mcm tu.memg nak kene tampa la tu.beb, i really2 need u but entahla.takot sume ta jadi mcm yang di plankan.skang dah konpius.ohh kat sape lah aku nak mengadu neh.aku just skang tggu kawan aku datang umah nak tanye pendapat die..aku skang sangat tataww
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